
cyber securitySecurity Archives

Hi-speed Wi-Fi and Security setup

ubiquti dream machine instal

Looking for a cutting edge security and Wi-Fi deployment using Ubiquiti equipment and Starlink satellite internet? Our case study is a new house build in Perth that showcases high speed Wi-Fi, Security Cameras, Video doorbell and Video Recording setup using state-of-the-art Ubiquiti equipment and high-speed Internet using Starlink satellite equipment Features Equipment Used For a […]

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3G network closes 28 Oct 24. These are the devices at risk of not working.

3g closure

It is not just mobile phones that may stop working on 28 October. Any device with a SIM card could be affected. Here is a list we have compiled from various sources Affected devices can include smartwatches, wearables, and IoT devices such as EFTPOS terminals, industrial routers, scanners, security monitoring devices, telematics, asset tracking tools,

3G network closes 28 Oct 24. These are the devices at risk of not working. Read More »

How to stop SPAM emails

stop spam

We show you how to stop spam or substantially reduce spam and phishing emails without needing to purchase 3rd party “washing” or “cleaning” software or services. Many of us receive our emails to our computers (Windows/Mac) and devices (iPad, Tablet, Phones). Most of the spam-stopping techniques described herein are assuming you use a Windows PC

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What is Phishing?

phishing man

Updated computers or iPad protect you from computer viruses but it’s Phishing you really need to worry about. What is Phishing? If you send and receive emails and SMS messages you are constantly being exposed to Phishing. Phishing scams try to steal your identity, login and password details in an attempt to steal money from you directly (internet banking) or redirect you

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