Cloud Storage

cloud servicesAll Cloud storage issues including Icloud, OneDrive, SharePoint, Azure and Google Drive

Why Companies Should Move to a Secure Corporate Cloud Facility

cloud backup

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies need to be able to access and share information quickly and efficiently. One way to achieve this is by moving corporate data files from local computers, servers, and NAS drives to a secure corporate cloud facility such as Microsoft SharePoint. Ubiquitous Access One of the main benefits of using

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Why store company data in SharePoint rather than OneDrive?

While OneDrive and SharePoint both provide an online space to access files, their broader use is what separates them. So why store company data in SharePoint rather than Onedrive? SharePoint is predominantly an online document management system and communication site. OneDrive is a cloud storage solution that people mainly use to create an online backup

Why store company data in SharePoint rather than OneDrive? Read More »