Ever heard that your iPhone is “Vintage” or that your iPad is “Obsolete” and wondered what that meant?

Apple uses this terminology when referring to some of its products or specific models. See here.
Apple Vintage Products
Are apple products are considered vintage when Apple stopped selling them for more than 5 and less than 7 years ago.
Example: iPhone 6 and below (click here for further products)
Apple Obsolete Products
Products are considered obsolete when Apple stopped distributing them for sale more than 7 years ago. Apple discontinues all hardware service for obsolete products, and service providers cannot order parts for obsolete products.
Example: iPhone 5 and below (click here for further products)
In short, “Vintage” products may be repairable by Apple in some parts or the world, whereas “Obsolete” products are not.
Do Vintage or Obsolete products still receive Apple Software Security updates?
For more information on iPhone security updates, click here. For all other Apple products, click here.